Selected Media / Press


la Repubblica (August 2021)

Italian newspaper la Repubblica interviews neuroscientist Antonio Cerasa about our paper on the neuroscience of aesthetically moving landscapes (Italian).

Latest Thinking (March 2020)

Science communication website Latest Thinking published a video featuring Edward Vessel entitled How Do Aesthetic Experiences Function in the Brain? (English)

Arte:Xenius (March 2020) featured Dr. Vessel and lab members in an episode of Xenius entitled Ästhetik (German).


Kulturplatz (May 2019)

The Kulturplatz program on Schweizer Fernsehen (Swiss TV) aired a show on "Beauty" featuring Dr. Vessel and the VisNA lab (German).

Dance/Research (January 2020)

Public talk for the Dance/Research event at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.